What‘s In My Bag – Minimalist Student Edition

I love to take as few items with me as possible. Heavy weight backpacks all day long are not really enjoyable. Glad thing is, we live in the digital age and note-taking has never been as easy. For the most part I don’t even need to write down notes on paper (thanks to English teaching… Continue reading What‘s In My Bag – Minimalist Student Edition

Minimalism and Daily Planning

One of the most useful skills I learned attending university was how to schedule my day and manage a lot of time-consuming tasks within a small available time frame (which was even more cut down since I commuted for most of my studies). However, a lot of times I would find myself frustrated with not… Continue reading Minimalism and Daily Planning

Is A Browser All We Need?

Google’s Chrome OS gains popularity within the world of computers and their minimalist approach is triggering my curiosity. Google powers 53% of the education computing sector, outperforming Apple and Microsoft. And beneath the system lies a simple principle which sounds both intruiging and silly: You don’t need an operating system, you just need a browser.… Continue reading Is A Browser All We Need?

Why I Removed Apps and Things From My Life That Brought Me Joy

2018 will probably be remembered as a turning point in human history from the pre-AI to the AI era. We are not only surrounded by technology, significant parts of our everyday life happen only digitally. With the great benefits comes a high price: Our attention, privacy and (the most valuable resource) time. We sacrafice significant… Continue reading Why I Removed Apps and Things From My Life That Brought Me Joy