27 January Update

Hi everyone. I made some subtle changes to the blog by changing the theme to something a little more colourful. I also want to experiment with the type of content I publish on this blog. Hope you’ll enjoy it! Today I want to start one of these experiments. I want to give some regular updates on things I learned in the past week(s). Sometimes I stumble upon amazing thoughts and ideas but they don’t end up filling the pages for a huge blog post. So I never tell anyone. But they still remain useful. That’s the idea, sharing small productivity/minimalism hacks.

Here’s a small list of things I changed and/or learned in January:

  • Logging your progress within your digital notebooks is a pretty great tool to not forget half of the things you’re supposed to do (see here for further info)
  • Reading is more fun than watching YouTube
  • Algorithms (like the YouTube algorithm) don’t improve the quality of content, just the quantity
  • Bryan Lunduke (62,000 subscribers on YouTube) stated, that most promotions on social media were a waste of energy and time since his videos with thousands (to Millions) of views will only have about +10 clicks if he promotes them on social media. “Why would anyone stop scrolling through Twitter to watch a video on YouTube?”
  • 10 minutes a day for cleaning will end up saving you hours of extensive work on the weekend (at least if you have a small apartment)

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