Do-Not-Disturb Mode = Freedom

Digital Detox is a buzz word that is supposed to help you get your habits checked in place. Problem with it is that after you’re done, you go back to the service and slowly the algorithms and notifications creep back into your life until it is necessary to do it all over again. It almost… Continue reading Do-Not-Disturb Mode = Freedom

About Regaining Focus

Ambitions and motivation are the fuel that start our engines of progress. Initially, we set course to new destinations and aspire to become the person we always wanted to be – or at least a better version. But life doesn’t work linear. Over time our excitement decreases. And often, life throws stuff at us to… Continue reading About Regaining Focus

Phone-Only For A Week – What I Learned

 I used to work hard to not use my phone by any means. But last Monday I started a challenge which was contradictory to my ambitions. Why should I not use the most brilliant idea of the 21st century: A pocket computer which is always with you. I asked myself: Do I need anything besides… Continue reading Phone-Only For A Week – What I Learned

Out Of Touch [Short Story]

I can still remember when Jessica and I met for the first time back in 7th grade. She was just as shy as I was and our classmates tried to pick on us. She was the helping hand I needed and I did everything I could to give back accordingly. During our school career we… Continue reading Out Of Touch [Short Story]

27 January Update

Hi everyone. I made some subtle changes to the blog by changing the theme to something a little more colourful. I also want to experiment with the type of content I publish on this blog. Hope you’ll enjoy it! Today I want to start one of these experiments. I want to give some regular updates… Continue reading 27 January Update

5 Tips on Digital Note-Taking

1. Create a Log to capture your progress Have you ever forgotten something important about a project? Write it down in a log and put updates about your project in there. You will never forget something important again. For example: 2019/01/27 Wrote an article about digital note-taking Found some helpful examples Made a silly meta-joke

On (DIY) Wake-Up-Lights and Home Assistants

For thousands of years the human species woke up to the light cycle of our sun. Then we invented clocks and finally ended up with the alarm clock – a device designed to help us wake up whenever we wanted to. Cut. 21st century. We are surrounded by artifical lights that emit blue light and… Continue reading On (DIY) Wake-Up-Lights and Home Assistants

I Challenge You to Clear the Clutter (While Being Lazy)

I cover minimalism on this blog quite a lot. It is almost like I write these articles to myself, to remind me of great advice I should consider. Then I reconsidered whether other content creators I admire do follow their own advice and succeed becoming the best person they strive for, or not. Probably they… Continue reading I Challenge You to Clear the Clutter (While Being Lazy)